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Any Town, Any State, United States
Cynical, irreverent, hostile, politically incorrect, opinionated, sometimes wrong, but usually right. Sometimes some of these, and sometimes all of them.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

I'm back to posting, and staying busy busy!!

Hey Guys and Dolls!

     Sorry I've been out of the loop for a few days. Our offline business is booming, keeping us

whipped at the end of the day. Same old story, too much work and not enough money.  So I am

working on a brand new online marketing plan and will be rolling it out next week.  Lots of study

and a couple of things to create before it goes.

     In other news my awesome incredible wife, Janice, had a birthday on June 12th.  Although

I couldn't give her a big party due to our workload, at least I was able to buy her a cake and we

had a quiet celebration over a beer, cake, and ice cream.  No, not all at the same time.

     Additionally, we are loving our "new" house.  The doggies are loving their new fenced in yard

and we continue to have to play frisbee or fetch the ball when we get home at the end of the day.

We are actually nestled in a "hidden" wooded area of the urban area, somewhat surrounded by

criminals of all ilks, from drug dealers to prostitutes, and an occasional robbery takes place at the

convenience store about a block and a half away.  We never leave home without our buddies,

Smith and Wesson, and their big brother Ruger.  Their uncle Mossberg always rides behind the

driver's seat in case we need to call on him for assistance.  So far so good, but we are prepared.

We never feel threatened or in any danger as we both can hit whatever we are aiming at, and

we are vigilant.  Life is not only good, it is great!  The only complaint we have is that we are

too old to do all the manual labor required to complete our bigger jobs and have to hire young

lads with muscles to do the heavy lifting.  By next June, we plan to be fully retired on my Navy

pension, and social security, filling in with our online business.  Actually, the online business plan

is on track to eliminate social security as a factor.  At any rate, since we can't go back to our

twenties and do it all over again, we have to keep moving forward.

Nobody has got it better than me!

Y'all take care and be safe!

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