About Me

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Any Town, Any State, United States
Cynical, irreverent, hostile, politically incorrect, opinionated, sometimes wrong, but usually right. Sometimes some of these, and sometimes all of them.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I'm Back But Not Happy About It

Hey Guys and Dolls!

     After the past few days, I have gone from stunned and shocked to numb.  I have to continue

my work, whether I like it or not.  Productivity, as weak and lame as it is right now is the only way

to move forward.  So, regrettably I am back.  It will start off slowly, but life goes on and God is

good.  It's just that he will have some explaining to do.

Y'all take care and be nice to each other!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

No Pity Party - Life and Death, But Mostly Death, Part One

Hey Guys and Dolls!

     When I say that I have been thinking about my death lately, I mean I started thinking

about it when my son died in 1989 at 13 years old.  This story will have a lot of death in it,

but it is not that I want a pity party.  It is just that it is necessary to know the background

that has taken me to this point in my life, and the facts are what they are, regardless of

how much I wish that they weren't.

     I first really became aware of death when my paternal grandmother died.  I was nine years

old and really never knew her.  I had seen her on maybe half a dozen occasions that I recall

between my birth and the day she died.  I do remember that we probably exchanged about 4

words during that time and that I didn't see her as a particularly pleasant person.  Not

unpleasant, just that there was really no warmth coming from her.  I guess you could say

neutral, no like or dislike toward me, just well........nothing.

This was not a huge surprise in retrospect as I never heard the words "I love you" from

my mother when she was alive or my father who is still living.  So it wasn't a stretch for me

to not remember any warmth from my grandmother or grandfather either, for that matter.

(Sure is sounding like a pity party isn't it? lol  I told you, these are just the facts, they are

what they are.)

The bottom line here is that my grandmother's death meant nothing to me.  She was,

and then she wasn't.

     When I was in, I don't know, I think 7th grade, maybe.   A classmate of my sister, who

is a year older than me, drowned on a field trip to a county park.  That was weird since I

knew him and it was hard to imagine that he was just gone from the earth.  I did see him

in his coffin and it was not a picture that I have ever forgotten.  I remember thinking that

he didn't look anything like he looked when he was alive.  I remember being pissed off

because all future field trips to the county park were cancelled forever, and I never got

to go the next year like all the 8th graders before me.  Come to think of it I have never

been there to this day.  But I digress, which will probably happen a lot in this tale.  I tend

to use a lot of words to get to the point.  If you are still here, then I'll get back to the story.

     As I said at the beginning, I started thinking about my own death when my 13 year old

son, Michael, was killed trying to cross a highway in front of a car.  The absolute horror

of this event and all that went with it, I will spare you, maybe for another time. But I

doubt it. (Okay, I'm taking a moment for a pity party here.)  I'll be right back.

End of Part One

Friday, June 14, 2013

Preview Of Coming Attractions

Hey Guys and Dolls!

     I have been thinking a lot about life and death lately, death mostly.  And mostly mine.

Now don't get your hopes up, I am interested in prolonging my life as much as possible, but

there are a lot of things that need to be said.  I think that this is the time to be saying them.

It's going to take a first draft and some editing to get across what I'm thinking and to get it

right so it will take a few days since we have been bombed with work once again and my

old ass takes time to recover after an eventful day.  Stay tuned, I think it will be worth

your while.

Y'all take care and be safe!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

I'm back to posting, and staying busy busy!!

Hey Guys and Dolls!

     Sorry I've been out of the loop for a few days. Our offline business is booming, keeping us

whipped at the end of the day. Same old story, too much work and not enough money.  So I am

working on a brand new online marketing plan and will be rolling it out next week.  Lots of study

and a couple of things to create before it goes.

     In other news my awesome incredible wife, Janice, had a birthday on June 12th.  Although

I couldn't give her a big party due to our workload, at least I was able to buy her a cake and we

had a quiet celebration over a beer, cake, and ice cream.  No, not all at the same time.

     Additionally, we are loving our "new" house.  The doggies are loving their new fenced in yard

and we continue to have to play frisbee or fetch the ball when we get home at the end of the day.

We are actually nestled in a "hidden" wooded area of the urban area, somewhat surrounded by

criminals of all ilks, from drug dealers to prostitutes, and an occasional robbery takes place at the

convenience store about a block and a half away.  We never leave home without our buddies,

Smith and Wesson, and their big brother Ruger.  Their uncle Mossberg always rides behind the

driver's seat in case we need to call on him for assistance.  So far so good, but we are prepared.

We never feel threatened or in any danger as we both can hit whatever we are aiming at, and

we are vigilant.  Life is not only good, it is great!  The only complaint we have is that we are

too old to do all the manual labor required to complete our bigger jobs and have to hire young

lads with muscles to do the heavy lifting.  By next June, we plan to be fully retired on my Navy

pension, and social security, filling in with our online business.  Actually, the online business plan

is on track to eliminate social security as a factor.  At any rate, since we can't go back to our

twenties and do it all over again, we have to keep moving forward.

Nobody has got it better than me!

Y'all take care and be safe!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hey Guys and Dolls!

Just a quick note to say hello. I realized that my last blog post was talking about tornadoes and tropical storm Andrea. I didn't want anyone to think that I was flying through the sky or treading water, lol. It turned out to be pretty much nothing here but a little rain. Enough to keep me from working outside. Oh well, my day job is becoming a hobby anyway. I'm having way too much fun online.
I know many of you are curious as to what the Ultimate Cycler is so I'm letting the cat out of the bag. Tire kickers and the curious can look here. Don't worry I won't stalk you! Just satisfy your need to know, lol.


Y'all take care and be safe!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Scary weather warnings. Are they really necessary?

Hey Guys and Dolls!
     We are getting scary weather predictions around here to stay relevant I guess.  For two of the past three days we have been under a tornado "warning".  Up until then a "warning" was issued
when a funnel cloud had been sighted, now apparently it means about the same thing as a prediction of rain, that is, "could happen, might not."  They almost told us that a warning had
been issued due to the destruction in Oklahoma.  I yelled at the tv, "we are NOT in Oklahoma!"
Needless to say, they did not react to my annoyed outburst and continued to blah blah blah about weather that had pretty much no chance of occurring where I happened to be watching
their broadcast.
     Since we have just moved into a mobile home, I was more than a little concerned about tornado warnings as most all of us are aware of the old adage that tornadoes LOVE to destroy trailers.  Today we are under a tropical storm warning.  Although I should probably ignore it and go on about my business of ranting to you, and not be concerned about it, I can't help but wonder if we may not be in peril of the 3 to 5 inches of rain predicted or the potential for tornadoes to spawn off the ocean a mere 12 miles away.  It is my understanding that tornadoes don't give a rat's ass where
they go or what kind of havoc they may reek, and they have no sense of direction either, so it's possible that my fate may lie in the hands of,...... well, ....fate!
     Trusting in God and the humor and sarcasm gods as well, I fully expect to be here once the storm has passed and done its darnedest to mess up someone's life.  So, thumbing my nose at tropical storm Andrea, I am planning my work day for tomorrow.
     Y'all take care and be safe!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I can help people make, save, and manage money! Cool stuff here!

Hey Guys and Dolls!
     I am finally able to help people make, save, and manage money.    
I have found a truly amazing money machine!  It's pure, simple, and very fast!
You are in a "matrix cycler", but you get paid instantly, member to member.   No one
touches  your money but you!  This is a one-time $25.00 entry and you just keep
making more and more money out of profits.
     There is also a facebook  group chock full of people who do nothing but help you
to be successful.  I cannot sell anything, but even I am making this work. 
     Whether you are new or a seasoned professional this will make you money!
We would love to have you join us.  Everyone is welcome to the group and the group
helps you to be successful.  I have never seen anything like this.  The support is just
unbelievable.  The system is unbelievable.  The money is unbelievably fast!

     Inbox me now for all the details.